Clogged Milk Ducts?

Clogged Milk Ducts?

A plugged milk duct is a common problem during breastfeeding. 

If you have a plugged milk duct, the first thing you might notice is a small, hard lump in your breast that you can feel close to your skin.
The lump might feel sore or painful when you touch it, and the area around the lump might be warm or red.
The discomfort might get a little better right after you nurse.

  • Nurse.
    Not only is breastfeeding safe with a plugged duct, it’s the best way to get rid of a clog.
    Offer your baby the affected breast first (though if that's too painful, you can start with the other one) and make sure she drains the breast thoroughly at each feeding
  • Find the right position. 
    Experiment with positions that helps drain more milk from the breast, another option: try to latch your baby so her chin and nose are pointing towards the clog, so her suction is aimed directly at the affected duct and the chin may also help massage the area.
    Change breastfeeding positions (from cradle to football to crossover) so all milk ducts get stimulated equally.
  • Pump when you need to. 
    If your baby isn't fully emptying your breast, finish the task by pumping until the milk comes out in slow drips instead of a steady stream. You can store the remaining breastmilk in the freezer if you don’t want it to go to waste.


  • Loosen it up a bit. Sometimes, plugged ducts are aggravated by external pressure (e.g., from a too-tight shirt or bra). Make sure your bra is snug but not binding, and consider steering clear of underwire for the time being.
    Applying gentle pressure to the plugged duct both before and during a feeding can help loosen the clog. Try a circular motion on the outside of the breast and move in towards the lump. 
  • Make an appointment to see your doctor. Talk to your practitioner if the lump gets bigger, lasts for more than a few days or if you develop a fever or significant discomfort.


Article is credited to sources on google. 

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