Leaky Breast?

Leaky Breast?

Leaking doesnt mean too much breast milk. 

During the first four to six weeks after your baby is born, your levels of the milk-making hormone prolactin will be increasing each time milk is removed from your breasts.
In these early weeks, your breasts are learning how much breast milk your baby needs and how much to make every hour.
As a result, excessive leaking and breasts that fill quickly – and even spray milk during let down – are common and normal.

It can take time to adjust.
Some mums find that their milk supply settles down quickly, while for others it may take a little longer.

If you’ve established that you have too much breast milk and it’s a problem, these are a few simple measures that may help.

For some mums these are sufficient:

  • Try laid-back breastfeeding. Feeding in a reclined position, or lying down, can be helpful because it gives your baby more control.
    He can set the pace and lift his head for a break if your flow is too fast for him. 
  • Relieve pressure. If your breasts are very uncomfortable you can hand express or pump a little milk to relieve them – but try to express the smallest amount possible.
    Each time you remove milk, you’re sending your breasts a message to produce more. So, while expressing can bring temporary relief, in the long run it could make the problem worse. If you need to express and store for times when you’re apart from your baby, it’s best to wait until you’ve addressed your oversupply.
  • Try nursing pads. If you're leaking milk, popping disposable nursing pad inside your bra could help you stay dry.     

  • Avoid lactation teas and supplements. If you’ve been drinking mother’s milk teas, eating lactation cookies or taking herbal supplements to encourage breast milk production in the early days, make sure you stop – these could now be part of the problem.



Article is credited to sources on google. 

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