Sleep Deprivation for New Mums

I want to share something many of us have experienced—sleep deprivation. It's one of the biggest challenges we face as new mums. When my little one was born, I quickly realised that sleep deprivation was going to be my new normal. Every few hours, my baby needed to be fed, and there went my hope for a good night's sleep. Newborns have tiny tummies and need to eat frequently, which means mums are up at all hours.

My baby's sleep patterns were all over the place. It took months before he settled into a routine. Plus, the postpartum hormonal changes didn’t help. I found myself wide awake in the middle of the night, unable to drift back to sleep even when my baby was resting.

As a new mum, I was desperate for sleep. I read so many tips, advice, and recommendations from various websites. After trying different methods, I found a routine that worked for me and my baby. Here are the practical tips that made a difference:

  • Sleep When the Baby Sleeps: It sounds cliché, but it’s true. I started to nap whenever my baby did, even if it was just for 20 minutes. Those short naps made a big difference.
  • Accept Help: This was a tough one for me because I’m so used to doing things on my own. But when family and friends offered to help, I started saying yes. They helped with chores and watched the baby, giving me a chance to rest.
  • Limit Caffeine: This was not an easy one but certainly an obvious one. I cut back totally.
  • Eat Well and Stay Hydrated: Other than all the confinement menu and drinking plenty of water, I made sure to have easy-to-grab healthy snacks around. Example, I always have bananas, almonds and walnuts which helps promoting sleep. 

Of course, the most important thing when a mom is sleep-deprived is managing our newborn's sleep. Our little ones just born, and it's up to us as parents to help them sleep better. Here are some tips that worked for me: 

  • Swaddling: I found that swaddling really helped my newborn feel secure and prevented the startle reflex from waking them up. I made sure to swaddle safely, keeping my baby's hips loose to avoid hip dysplasia.
  • Feeding: Ensuring my baby was well-fed was another crucial step. I made a point to feed them regularly during the day and made sure they had a good feed before bedtime. I remember those first few weeks of trying to find a feeding schedule that worked for both of us, but once I did, it made a world of difference in their sleep patterns.
  • Day and Night Distinction: This really worked for us, that was having separate sleeping areas for daytime naps and nighttime sleep. Whenever my baby was awake during the day, I made sure to keep things lively and stimulating to help set their internal clock. At night, I focused on creating a calm and soothing environment in his room. It took some time, but gradually, my baby began to understand the difference between day and night, which significantly improved their sleep patterns.

Ladies, also please involved your husband, it is just as important. Sleep deprivation isn't just tough on mums—it can affect the whole family. Here are some ways my husband stepped in and played a supportive role:

  • Helping with Household Chores: This the obvious right! With a newborn, there’s always so much to do around the house. My husband pitched in with household chores, which relieved a lot of my stress and allowed me to focus more on our baby and getting some rest whenever possible.
  • Taking Turns with Night Feedings: My husband and I decided to take turns with night feedings. Even though I was breastfeeding, he would handle a feeding with expressed milk so I could get a longer stretch of sleep. This made a huge difference in my overall well-being.
  • Providing Emotional Support: There were nights when exhaustion hit me hard, and just having my husband there to listen and provide emotional support was incredibly comforting. His reassurance and understanding helped me cope better with the challenges of sleep deprivation.

Sleep deprivation is undoubtedly one of the toughest challenges we face as new mums, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Every sleepless night, every exhausting day, it’s all part of the journey of motherhood. By sharing my experience and the strategies that worked for me, I hope to provide some comfort and practical help to other mums going through the same thing.

Remember, it’s okay to ask for help and to take care of yourself. The better you feel, the better you can take care of your baby. Every mum’s journey is unique, and what works for one might not work for another, so be patient with yourself as you find what works best for you and your little one.

Above all, cherish these moments, even the sleepless ones.

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